Two weeks ago I started my new job at the Horizon Achievement Centre in Sydney.
And of course, ever since then I’ve been thinking, “I must blog about this!”
But, I’m still not sure what I want to say. I know that I want to talk about the work that is done at the Centre, in general: the social enterprises, the teaching of life skills to disabled people, and the integration of disabled people into the community. I know that I want to talk about the work I’m doing, although it’s still so new and still kind of getting sorted out.
I also want to talk about what it’s like to be there, five days a week, working in that environment. I want to talk about how different it is, and special, from any workplace I’ve ever had before. There are challenges, for sure, and there are unique joys.
But, I’m still not entirely ready. I’m going with my gut on this, and my gut is saying, “Wait a bit longer, watch the place a bit more.”
The other part of why I haven’t written about it in length is that I haven’t had the time. I’m the process of cutting back my life schedule + my commitments, because I really want to have more time at home and to myself, to relax and cook proper meals with my partner, to daydream and go for walks, to read and to write — or just to do whatever feels good in that moment. All of those things, I’m realizing, are very important to my own creative life, and necessary to protect.
So, I’m working on it, but I’m still not there yet, not at the point where my schedule feels loose and flexible around me. There are still a few things (like client projects) on my schedule, and that coupled with my 8:30–4:30, Monday-through-Friday job, as well as making more of an effort at home to be present and cook meals and be with Adam, (and not just blogging or writing in the next room, and eating chicken fingers and fries for dinner), means that currently for my blog, I steal a few minutes in between breakfast and leaving for the day, or on my lunch break at work. And that’s not enough time to do justice to what the Horizon Achievement Centre is, as a day-to-day workplace.
Anyway, I better run off to work, speaking of it!
Have a great Tuesday.