Category Archives: Jobs

how i feel about Archibald’s Wharf

  I’ll keep this brief, because, hey, the Internet is full to the brim with opinions, and lengthy ones at that. But, I do want to weigh in on this issue that’s really taken hold of the community where I … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Jobs, Leah's thoughts | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

my new job, so far + thoughts on scheduling

Two weeks ago I started my new job at the Horizon Achievement Centre in Sydney. And of course, ever since then I’ve been thinking, “I must blog about this!” But, I’m still not sure what I want to say. I … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Jobs, Leah's thoughts | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

my new job! at Horizon Achievement Centre

So I can finally! tell you all! about this new job! Can you tell I’m excited? Yeah. Just a little bit. I’ll lay off the exclamation points from here on out, I promise. Especially since I think I used my … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Day to Day Life, Design, Education, Jobs, Work | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

jobs, plants, breathe, repeat

So, here I am, still here, just on the other side of some things! School being the main one. Classes have been over for a month, and as of this past Friday, my five-week work term at the Gaelic College is … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day Life, Design, Education, Jobs, Leah's thoughts, Work | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

four simple goals // figure out the next step

Back in January I got feeling rather ambitious and I set out four simple goals for myself for this year. They were: use my sketchbook more, plant a garden, move every day, and ‘figure out the next step’. My intention was … Continue reading

Posted in Business ideas, Community, Day to Day Life, Jobs, Work | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Risk Takers / Denise Arsenault

I’ve started a new interview series here on the blog, called “Risk Takers.” The reason is that I’m feeling “poised” these days, on the edge of whatever will come after I graduate in June from my two-year design program at NSCC. (I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Jobs, Q+A, Towns + communities, Women + kids, Work | Tagged , , , , , | 18 Comments

a bit on job-searching

Back in January when I set my “four simple goals”, I was really gung-ho and thought for sure I could have a job lined up for post-graduation by April. Ha ha ha. Ha ha. I did line up my work term in January, and then … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Day to Day Life, Jobs, Leah's thoughts, Towns + communities | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments