sun is shining

carlinenscc nightswimmer northsydneysunrise “Weather is sweet, makes you wanna move, your dancing feet.”

Here’s something fun: the Pumpkin Spice Playlist at A Beautiful Mess (last year’s playlist).

There is no Bob Marley on it (who is the artist who inspired the title of this post) but I’m listening to it this morning while I sit in the library at NSCC and hang out waiting for class. I was inspired this morning to leave early and get to school in time to be in the paved parking lot, not “the airport” as we like to call it (the overflow gravel lot). No real reason why, I guess just so I could say I did it. It’s honestly an extra thirty second walk to be in the furthest parking lot, i.e. “not a big deal at all,” but, you know. Whatevs. It’s the little things in life, haha.

Today I have class from 9:30 til 12:30 and then I’m going to head home, do the dishes, (the never-ending dishes!), pack up my stuff, and head to North River, which is here:

Screen Shot 2013-10-04 at 8.53.46 AM There is no cell reception there, that I’m aware of, so I won’t be able to tweet or Instagram during the festival, unless I find some Wifi. Which, is possible. Who knows.

Oh and yeah! In case you didn’t know, I’m going to North River for this: the Cabot Trail Writers Festival. The last two years I was one of the directors of the festival. This year I am not, but I am volunteering for it, so you’ll see me at the box office table, as well as on Saturday at 2 pm, reading from my about-to-be-published short story, Night Swimmer. (Published by this rad local publisher, Third Person Press, in the new anthology Grey Area.)

There will be a book launch later this month and I’ll post details about that next week sometime.

Here are a couple more posts about the Cabot Trail Writers Festival. It’s so much fun, guys: check it out if you can!

OK, have a great weekend, get outside if you’re able to and soak up the beauty of Cape Breton! Or of wherever you are.

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