It’s the first day of Summer!
Today on her blog, LoveLife, Kal Barteski wrote: “In that ever-present effort to be in balance there is always something that slips a little.”
Sing it, sister!
Right now, for me, the things that are slipping a little are: having long chats on the phone with girlfriends, taking long walks, and reading actual books (instead of emails and blogs).
However, I did pick up Bossypants, by Tina Fey, at the library, and am whipping right through it. That’s my litmus test, really, for a Favourite Book: if I can’t bear to put it down. If I stay up a little longer just to read it. If I read it while flossing my teeth.
Other books on this list have included:
- Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
- The Winter of our Disconnect by Susan Maushart
- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Do tell: what have been your “can’t put it down” reads?
The hunger games, and if you like funny books like Tinas, Chelsea Handlers books are hilarious youll be laughing out loud!
I am kind of addicted to Project Gutenberg, and their huge collection of 19th century chick lit and etiquette guides. I almost never have to buy kindle books, and get to learn about their mostly hilarious social conventions. Win-Win!