the rainbow keyboard

rainbowkeyboard1 rainbowkeyboard2

I get a lot of comments on my rainbow keyboard so I thought I would share a little bit about it.

Basically, back in May I saw rainbow decals on a Mac keyboard, on a blog called The Dainty Squid. Her blog post was talking about the decals a whole year later, and how well they had held up. I loved the look and decided to buy some for myself as a grading day present.

(Spoiler alert that you can probably already tell from these photos above: mine didn’t hold up as well as The Dainty Squid’s did.)

This Instagram photo shows them when they were brand new, four months ago:

And this one shows them just a month later. You can tell that one key (the “D”) had already peeled.

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What kept happening with the keys that I used the most, is that the decal would peel away from the edges of the key, and start to bug me. So I would just peel it right off. That kept happening with various keys until it looks like it does now (pictures at top of post).

On most of the keys where I’ve peeled off the coloured part, there is still a piece of clear plastic remaining. One of these days I intend to shut the computer off and peel all the clear plastic decals off. I like the coloured decals that are remaining. It doesn’t look as it did in the beginning, but that’s OK. It still gives the keyboard a bit of colour and “fun factor”. People notice it both in Instagram photos and in real life, and we chat about it. I like that.

Would I get them again, even though they didn’t hold up as well as I’d hoped? Yeah, probably. They’re fun and colourful, and for a workhorse computer like this one that I use for creative purposes daily for hours, it’s important to make it a fun experience. I’ve also realized which keys get the most use, as sort of a side effect of the peeling process. And I’m a nerd for random facts, so it’s been interesting to see that the only letters that didn’t peel yet are “Q” (not surprising) and “P” (kind of surprising).

If you’re interested in getting some for yourself, this is the product I purchased. That’s not an affiliate link, I’m just supplying it in case you’re interested.

Have a great Wednesday!

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1 Response to the rainbow keyboard

  1. marianwhit says:

    Ahh the power of design. Too bad form and function don’t always go hand-in-hand. Thanks!

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