Writers’ Festival – the morning after

Sunday morning panel participants: Stephen Kimber, Donna Morrissey, Ken Donovan, and Kate Beaton.

A sweet little red maple leaf growing out of a bridge I walked over on my way back to the hall from the spaghetti dinner at the church. I like that quiet, solo walking time to relax and digest (both food, and ideas).

The Sunday morning brunch catered by Yvonne and Murdena. SO FREAKING GOOD!

Whew!! What a weekend.

Later on this week, I’ll be sharing a longer post about how the 2012 Cabot Trail Writers Festival went, with lots of pictures and description.

For now, it’s Monday morning, I’m back at school (driving out here early to make sure I get a decent parking spot), and I can’t believe it’s over. We planned it all year long and now in a flurry of fun activity, smiles and handshakes, readings and listenings, food and walks, it is over.

But oh, what fun we had.

Time to start thinking about 2013!

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