a beautiful mess photo app






Back in February I got rid of Instagram on my phone. I was in a mood for a few months there where I just didn’t want much social media or much to do with my iPhone. I felt like I was sharing too much of my life with ‘the world’ and it weirded me out.

But I just got back on it, the other day. I felt like that phase, while necessary, was over, and I feel like I’ve got enough balance restored (whatever that means and however that’s measured) to be able to feel like I’ve got boundaries.

And, while I was at it, getting all Instagramy again, I bought the Beautiful Mess photo app for 99 cents. And it’s the best 99 cents I’ve spent in a while!

(Well, OK, best 10$. Because I went ahead and bought all the extra packs that come with it, like extra doodles and fonts and stuff.)


(That shot above is of me using the app.)

I love that it’s super easy to use. (So much easier than opening a photo in Photoshop, using the tablet to draw on it, fiddle with colours, etc!) I love that I feel like I’m making photos that could be on A Beautiful Mess (which is a blog that I find majorly inspiring, both in the stuff they post and in the way the two women who run it have made their small business a major success).

I find that the quirky doodles and sayings, funky hip-looking borders and colours take regular life and take it up a notch. In the same way as scrapbooking or making an album does.

This is a post on the Beautiful Mess blog about their photo app and the neat creations users are making.

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